Oh, what dreams may come! My beautiful life in Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy |
- If you have a dream that sticks with you long after you wake up, pay attention to it. Your mind is unconsciously trying to help you realize something you'd never say aloud. Why not listen to yourself?
- Your opinion counts just as much as the next guy's. It's not better, it's not worse, but it's yours.
- Those with "haters": Let people talk all the shit they want. It's easy for them, since their head is so far up their own ass. Be good and just focus on you, and don't play their game. Like a wild dog, they'll get bored and move on.
- Never, ever, EVER be rude to an old person, even if they're rude to you.
- Listening to romantic music alone will make you feel somewhat needy. Be prepared to facebook stalk.
- Ladies, take note of how your man treats his mom. This is a sign of how he'll treat you in 5 years.
- Men, take note of when your lady is picking a fight. If she starts it, that means it's bothering her enough to throw it in your face rather than just talk about it. Three words: SHE WILL WIN.
- Men, if you try to pick a fight with her....sorry. She'll probably still win. Be a good guy and don't fight for fun.
- Ladies and gentlemen, if you do not know each other's birthdays, you don't know each other well enough to do the naughties. Just sayin'.
- Take lots of pictures. Someday, even the blurry ones will become more important than you'll ever know.
- Wash your hands. Less germs = better health. Better health = better sleep. All = better life.
- If you have the potential to help someone, do. Someday, you might be the one that needs help, and perhaps even a stranger will be there to return the help you gave.
- If you have an unbelievably strong desire to chase a dream, no matter how "silly" it may seem, you have every ability to make it happen. Work hard, be good to people, and keep going.
- Don't blame failures on others, especially if they tried to help you.
- The future is scary - not knowing is scary. ...Kind of like walking in the dark, afraid of running into a wall. I'm assuming it's okay to be scared, since running into walls hasn't been all that bad so far.
- The most ignorant people are the same ones who talk too much.
- Ellen Degeneres is the new pink.
- You are as happy as you allow yourself to be.
- Don't forget to tell those you love that you love them.
- Love your family. Love your friends. Love yourself.
- Love good hygiene - it's beneficial for everyone.
- Never underestimate the power of a good laugh.
- Trust your instincts. Whatever your first reaction is, it's probably the correct one to how you truly feel.
- New saying: If you can't take the heat, don't fuel the fire. People got enough problems, and I'm sure you do, too. No sense in making things worse.
- TREAT PEOPLE THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. They teach this shit in kindergarten. Don't think it doesn't apply to you.
- Set goals. Work for them. Celebrate when you reach them. Rinse. Repeat.
- Appreciate your life, no matter how bad it gets sometimes. Somewhere, another person has it worse.
- Two things that shouldn't be brought up in conversation (especially with strangers): Religion and heavy politics. You never know who you might offend, or how offended you might get. (Credit to Big Fish.)
- Family is SO much more important than your phone. Log off of twitter and pay attention to them.
- Life is beautiful, sweet, ugly, bitter, demanding, rewarding, anything and everything.
- At least one person in this world loves you more than you'll ever know (you might not even be aware of who it is, either). Believe this to be true.
These are the things I've learned from nights of good sleep. Take them, leave them, laugh, discard, whatever you feel is appropriate.