Jason Segel and "Me"
So, How I Met Your Mother star Jason Segel is one of my big celebrity crushes, as most of you in fact don't know. If you've ever seen the show, you know of Jason's character, "Marshall Eriksen", and know that he is a giant puppy of love. Ladies, this is the kind of man we want (or, I do at least). Gentlemen (and all you other kids who think you got something called "swagger"...not to be confused with syphilis, you active goons, you), this is the kind of man you should want to be to please your lady. Just sayin'. This guy has got all the right moves. ...Unless it's dance moves, then I'm not sure.
Anyway, not only is he irresistibly endearing, he's funny, sweet and comfortable enough in his own skin to flash his disco stick to the millions and millions of people around the world who've ever seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall (...this includes my mom AND dad. I was in the room with them, watching it. I was the only one laughing. Then they started laughing. ...I stopped laughing.). And pretty much all-around, he seems like a good guy.
He's an awesome example of a winner in my book. Reasons why:
1.) His pants aren't sagging to the floor. That's a good sign. He knows what size pants to buy.
2.) He SMILES. Too many times I've seen a guy's license with a pic that looks like he's going to prison.
3.) He looks like he's got good hygiene. Look, it benefits everyone so just go with it and enjoy, mmkay?
4.) He's almost never in the tabloids. That's a good sign he's not a crazed attention hog. I want the attention!
5.) Tall people go well with short people. He's 6'4". I'm 5'2". (Plus: Never getting mugged, EVER.)
6.) He does comedy. COMEDY. What's not to love about someone who can laugh with you?
7.) Sings. Plays the piano. That's a class act right there. Enough said.
8.) I appreciate a man with the facial scruff look, and the no-facial-scruff look.
9.) The Muppets are a big deal for him. It's sweet to keep a childhood love alive.10.) And finally, he seems to treat his women right. He doesn't date everyone and anyone that flings themselves at him, nor does he take for granted the women he has in his life. Well done, sir. I'm positive your mother is very proud.
(Ooh that's another good one - treats his mother with respect. That's a REAL man, right there. If you ever want to see how a man will treat you in five years, watch how he treats his mom. That'll tell you everything you want to know.)
Long story short, Segel should make Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts share their grand title of "America's Sweetheart", because in my opinion, Segel's a prime example of a lovable, quality person.
And personally, I'd date the shit outta him. I only hope that he is not an emotional eater like "Marshall" on the show, because being the emotional eater is MY job.
That is all.
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